- accentuate
- devise
- disguise
- ignite
- indifferent
- initiate
- innovative
- narrate
- nevertheless
- obsolete
- omit
- outlandish
- overcome
- partially
- pass
- portray
- streamline
Accentuate | برجسته کردن |
Devise | تدبیر کردن |
Disguise | پنهان کردن |
Ignite | روشن کردن |
Indifferent | بی تفاوت |
Initiate | آغاز کردن |
Innovative | خلاقانه |
Narrate | روایت کردن |
Nevertheless | با این اوصاف |
Obsolete | منسوخ شده |
Omit | از قلم انداختن |
Outlandish | عجیب و غریب |
Overcome | غلبه بر |
Partially | تا اندازه ای |
Pass | عبور کردن، قبول شدن |
Portray | به تصویر کشیدن |
Streamline | ساده سازی کردن |
- accentuate
- adj. accentuated
- n. accentuation
- v. to highlight; to give more importance to
- syn. emphasize
The colourful dress accentuated the joy of the occasion.
The supervisor accentuated her preference for hard-working employees during the performance appraisal.
- devise
- adj. devisable
- v. to brainstorm; to come up with an idea
- syn. formulate
The firefighters devised a plan to safely bring the cat down from the tree.
The scientists had to devise an entirely new experiment after the first one failed.
- disguise
- adj. disguised
- n. disguise
- v. to hide the usual appearance of something
- syn. conceal
It is hard to disguise the fact that business is slow.
Everyone saw through his disguise.
- ignite
- adj. ignitable
- n. ignition
- v. to set on fire; to give energy or life to something
- syn. kindle
The jury’s decision ignited a fierce debate in the legal community.
Wood is difficult to ignite if it is damp.
- indifferent
- n. indifference
- adj. being uninterested or not caring about something
- syn. apathetic
The teacher was indifferent to student requests to extend the project’s deadline.
The player’s indifference about his error on the field upset the coach.
- initiate
- adj. initiated
- n. initiation
- n. initiative
- v. to begin; to establish; to take decisive action without help
- syn. launch
The newcomers initiated the long citizenship process.
Their work shows a lot of initiative.
- innovative
- n. innovator
- n. innovation
- adj. something newly introduced; creative
- syn. creative
This innovative project is worthy of support.
There have been many innovations in the field of genetic engineering.
- narrate
- adj. narrative
- n. narrative
- n. narration
- n. narrator
- v. to tell a story; relate
- syn. relate
Walter Cronkite narrated the documentary film.
Her fabricated narrative generated a lot of excitement.
- nevertheless
- conj. in spite of that
- syn. nonetheless
She was quite sick; nevertheless, she attended all of her classes.
His project was flawed; nevertheless, it won second prize.
- obsolete
- n. obsolescence
- adv. being old fashioned; no longer in general use
- syn. outdated
Some people believe that writing instruments, such as pencils and pens will soon be obsolete.
Some products are manufactured with planned obsolescence.
- omit
- adj. omitted
- n. omission
- v. to leave out; not include
- syn. neglect
She inadvertently omitted some important data from the report.
His paper had several notable omissions.
- outlandish
- adv. outlandishly
- adj. strange and unpleasant; beyond accepted norms
- syn. bizarre
His outlandish ideas demonstrated his creativity.
Rebellious youth in many countries dress outlandishly.
- overcome
- v. to defeat; fight with success; to take control of an individual
- syn. conquer
The young woman was overcome with emotion when she learned she had won a scholarship.
The family overcame many obstacles to purchase the house.
- partially
- adv. partly
- adj. partial
- n. part
- adv. a part of the whole; incomplete
- syn. somewhat
The clerk was only partially responsible for the error.
The business venture was only a partial success.
- pass
- adj. passable
- n. passage
- v. to accept formally by vote
- syn. approve
The proposed amendment passed unanimously.
The passage of the resolution is in doubt.
- portray
- n. portrayal
- v. to represent; to act
- syn. depict
The actress portrayed an orphan in the movie.
The book’s portrayal of Mozart as a calm, mature individual is inaccurate.
- streamline
- adj. streamlined
- v. to update; to make more efficient or concise
- syn. simplify
The planning process must be streamlined in order for it to be more reliable.
Internet stores have streamlined the process of finding, buying, and selling merchandise.
تمرین لغات مهم و ضروی آیلتس درس 20

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3 پاسخ
The young woman was __________ with emotion when she learned she had won a scholarship
The answer should be “overcame”. Modification is needed
I checked it in Grammarly and it was correct. Take a look atpast passive grammar rule.
زن جوان وقتی فهمید برنده بورسیه تحصیلی شده است غرق در احساسات شد.
The young woman was overcome with emotion when she learned she had won a scholarship
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