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نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس آکادمیک تسک 2

نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس آکادمیک تسک 2

یک اشتباه رایج که داوطلبین مرتکب می‌شوند، عدم برنامه ریزی کافی است. چند دقیقه صرف ایده‌پردازی کنید، مثلاً قبل از شروع نوشتن از جدول مزایا / معایب یا brainstorm استفاده کنید. سپس می توانید روی کلمات و جملات تمرکز کنید. یک تمرین خوب این است که، قبل از خواندن جواب رایتینگ‌های زیر، برای هر یک از نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس آکادمیک تسک 2 ، برنامه ریزی یا ایده‌پردازی کنید.

  • برخی از نمونه سوالات رایتینگ آیلتس آکادمیک تسک 2 شامل بیش از یک سوال است. مطمئن شوید که پاسخ شما تمام قسمتهای Task را پوشش می‌دهد.
  • ممکن است از شما خواسته شود که در مورد مشکلی بنویسید و دلایل و راه‌حلهای احتمالی را در نظر بگیرید.
  • اطمینان حاصل کنید که راه حل های پیشنهادی شما با دلایل بروز مشکل برطرف شده است.
  • با ذکر دلایل و مثالها نحوه عملی شدن راه حلهای خود را شرح دهید.

زمان‌بندی در هر آزمون یا امتحانی بسیار مهم است. اتمام وقت منجر به نوشتن رایتینگ‌های با طول کم می‌شود. این مورد منجر به از دست دادن نمره داوطلب به دلیل ضعف در پاراگراف بندی خواهد شد. اگرچه تنظیم ساعت در آزمون کمک می‌کند، اما با تمرین قبل از آزمون و بهبود سرعت نوشتن است که داوطلب واقعاً به خود کمک خواهد کرد. سعی کنید تعداد کلماتی را که می توانید در یک محدوده زمانی بنویسید یادداشت کنید، و با تمرین نحوه بهبود سرعت نوشتن خود را ثبت کنید.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answers Essay:

Languages and Cultures

Museums and art galleries should concentrate on works that show the history and culture of their own country rather than works of the other parts of the world.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

Museums and art galleries have played a major role in preserving and conveying historical values for a long time. While many people suggest that they should focus purely on displaying works that represent the nation’s culture and history, others with contradicting views affirm that international works are also of great worth. Personally, I think both viewpoints are equally valid.

On the one hand, there are reasons why it is believed that artefacts and works of national value should be given priority. Firstly, museums and art galleries should be places that honour indigenous history and culture. By going to these museums and galleries, people will gain a deeper understanding of their nation, along with the golden ages and hard times that the country has been through. The exhibitions, therefore, serve an educational purpose as they instil patriotism and promote a sense of national pride in the citizens of that country. Apart from that, such places also help to preserve traditional and historical values. In the 21st century, many minority ethnic groups are in grave danger of losing their culture, and therefore, the display of their works and artefacts will help to preserve their culture and the cultural diversity of a nation.

On the other hand, showing international works of art has several merits. Works from other parts of the world help to diversify the content of museums and art galleries. Admittedly, even though the value of museums and art galleries cannot be denied, their failure in adopting changes and updating collections has discouraged people from visiting these places. For that reason, international works will add appeal and aid museums and galleries in attracting more visitors. Furthermore, if museums display international works, people will have more chance to gain knowledge and insight into other cultures as well.

In conclusion, the ultimate goal of museums and galleries is to spread knowledge and wander far and wide. Therefore, my suggestion is that local artefacts and works should be prioritized, while those of other nations can still be exhibited but in separate museums and galleries.

(340 words)


  • conveying historical values
  • to be of great worth
  • indigenous history and culture
  • serve educational purposes
  • instil patriotism
  • promote a sense of national pride
  • in grave danger

Some people believe that it is more important to teach children the literature of their own country than other countries.
Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

It is argued by some people that local literature is of greater importance in children’s education compared to foreign literature. From my perspective, I disagree with this view since both types of literature play equal roles in the development of children.

On the one hand, locally written works come with numerous benefits to students. Firstly, these pieces of art can enrich student’s skills to use their own language. Indeed, through learning literature of their mother tongue, students can learn the art of using the language such as the flexibility in the vocabulary highlights used, the syntax of sentences, different ways to convey ideas. Hence, linguistic knowledge will gradually be built up and benefit the students not only in their study but also in social communication. Secondly, national literary works give students an insight into their own culture. For example, through traditional literature, namely fairy tales, legends and fables, students can become familiar with their traditions, native terms and also national values which have been passed down from generation to generation. As a result, they will naturally develop a sense of national identity and patriotism.

On the other hand, studying foreign literature is also advantageous for the following reasons. To begin with, it gives learners opportunities to expand their horizons by showing them a bigger picture of the outside world. Having access to foreign historical events and cultures, commentaries on politics, society, and stereotypes in literature from countries abroad will foster students’ awareness of the diversity of the world. Additionally, the students will be equipped with a broader range of knowledge to help them be more prepared for the globalized world that we are living in today. To be more specific, the students will have a grasp of the culture of foreign countries and how to adapt themselves in terms of manners, customs or behaviours if they live in that new environment or dealing with foreigners.

In conclusion, it seems to me that there is a need to teach both local and foreign literature at schools
so that students can develop comprehensively. (342 words)


  • Locally written works = national literary works
  • Mother tongue
  • Linguistic knowledge
  • To pass down from generation to generation
  • To develop a sense of national identity and patriotism
  • To have access to something
  • To be equipped with something

Some people believe that all the children in school are required to learn at least one foreign language. However, others say that those who are not talented do not have to learn.
What is your opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

For children in school, learning a foreign language or not should be determined by the school curriculum. Provided that it is offered as a subject, all students – talented or otherwise- must study it as partial fulfilment of their academic achievement.

The study of a foreign language – especially English for children at Grade s-is now a compulsory requirement at all primary schools in my country although it was not the case just a few years ago. With increased globalisation, comes increased cross-cultural contact and because of this, it is important for children to master at least one foreign language at an early age so as to prepare them for this global society. To understand a foreign language is also an opportunity for children to learn about and understand a little about another culture or cultures. Also, it is an opportunity to cultivate students’ talent, develop their ability in learning and boost their potential for further education.

It is irresponsible, and indeed, even harmful, to separate and label students as talented or not in education at such a tender and vulnerable age. Why should the study of a foreign language alone be used as the only yardstick to label students as talented or not in education? It is advisable to help all students to understand that the study of a foreign language will bring benefit to their studies and, in the future, their careers.

Thus, I feel that it is not healthy to advocate the labelling of students as talented or not in the study of languages.
(256 words)

The tradition of families getting together to eat meals is disappearing.
What are the reasons? What are the impacts?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

Nowadays, it seems that families tend to eat together less frequently. This essay will put forward some explanations for this trend and an analysis of the potential impacts.

The fact that family members choose not to eat with each other can be attributable to two reasons. Firstly, since people these days tend to have heavier workloads and more hectic schedules than in the past, sitting down to share a meal with their family members might not be a convenient choice. Instead, these individuals usually eat out with their friends, colleagues or business partners near their workplace which can be more suitable for their timetable. Secondly, the fast-food culture of modern life can change people’s eating habits because fast food can be found everywhere and is usually an inexpensive food choice. For instance, young people in Vietnam often grab a quick meal after a busy day at work or school, which leads them to skip meals with their family when they go home.

The trend has both positive and negative impacts on people. In terms of the benefits, people are able to be much more flexible with their time. They will not have to show up at a fixed hour to have meals with their family and can eat whatever and whenever they want. However, in terms of the negative effects, this can lead to a weaker family bond. If a family continuously eats separately, family members may not be able to share their thoughts, feelings with each other, and therefore may feel isolated from each other. This will result in a lack of deep family connection.

In conclusion, the tendency of family members to eat separately is mainly caused by the difference in their schedules or the preference to eat fast food, which can have both positive and negative impacts. (300 words)


  • To have heavier workloads and more hectic schedules
  • The fast-food culture of modern life
  • change people’s eating habits
  • To lead to a weaker family bond

Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people.
Why is this case and what can be done to attract more local people to visit these places?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

Many museums and historical sites have become an attraction to tourists although they fail to increase the number of local visitors. This essay will analyze some main reasons for this as well as measures to encourage more local people to visit such places.

The causes for a huge difference in the number of the two mentioned types of visitors are varied.

First, people who live in the neighbourhood seem to be familiar with their traditional customs and history. Going to those places would be therefore a waste of time and money owing to the entrance cost, and people would not pay an amount of money to see what they have already known. Meanwhile, tourists from other places tend to pay a visit to museums to know more about a new culture when travelling to a new region. Second, the design of museums and historical sites almost remained unchanged throughout decades, which can be visually unattractive to local residents who have been there at least once in earlier years. However, these places always pick tourists’ curiosity during their first trip.

Some measures can be taken to stimulate more local inhabitants to visit museums and historical places. To begin with, those places should serve both education and entertainment purposes. More game zones should be constructed or didactic as well as recreational competitions should be conducted to increase the number of the local who come to enjoy their time. Furthermore, if the layout of museums and historical sites are renovated with more decorations and ornate designs of the interior, not only tourists but also more local visitors will come.

In conclusion, there are two principal causes for the locals’ disinterest in spending their time in nearby museums and historical places as mentioned, and actions should be taken to encourage people to go to such places.

Word count: 301

Some people think government funding should not be used for supporting art and culture, while others think supporting cultural activities may be beneficial for the population and the culture.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

Opinions diverge on the necessity of funding cultural activities. While some claim it is an unnecessary investment, others believe both citizens and cultures would benefit if governments were to provide financial support for art and culture. I will discuss both views and state my own opinion in this essay.

On the one hand, many people oppose investing in cultural activities because there are more serious issues to address. The deterioration of transport infrastructure in many cities, for example, is the major reason for the increased number of traffic accidents. Using money for the construction of new roads and highways would bring about immediate effects and save thousands of lives. In addition, nations across the globe are facing many environmental problems that require urgent attention, namely pollution and natural resource depletion. National leaders, therefore, should join forces with scientists to combat these issues by allocating financial resources to the development of renewable and environmentally friendly sources of energy. There is no point in spending money on cultural activities before ensuring a safe and clean environment for citizens.

Advocates of art and culture, on the other hand, argue that cultural activities play an important role in people’s lives. Cultural events, like the Tet holiday or Christmas, are occasions when family members gather together, which helps to strengthen the sense of family and community and further enriches people’s lives. Moreover, funding these activities helps to preserve cultural diversity, especially in such a globalised world where so much culture is being lost and forgotten. The Vietnamese government, for instance, has constructed many museums that solely exhibit examples of ethnic minority culture, whose populations are decreasing at an alarming rate.

In conclusion, I believe that cultural activities are of great significance and require attention and financial support from governments. However, it is also the government’s duty to address issues in transportation and the environment to protect citizens’ lives and maintain a healthy environment for people to live in. (321 words)


  • To invest in something
  • The deterioration of transport infrastructure
  • To face many environmental problems
  • To play an important role in something
  • To strengthen the sense of family and community
  • To preserve cultural diversity

Some believe that it is good for a country’s culture to import films and TV programs, while others think it is better for a country to have its own films and TV programs.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

There has been a difference of opinion regarding the merits of foreign movies and TV channels to the culture of a country as people believe domestic products would be better. From my perspective, both of those categories are equally important.

On the one hand, people usually believe foreign films and telecasts can contribute to the cultural diversity of a nation. Fascinating social norms and practices, such as public hugging which is common in the US, can be imported to other nations as Hollywood blockbusters are becoming more popular. This phenomenon is believed to benefit the richness of the host country’s traditional backgrounds. Furthermore, the import of international movies and TV shows could improve the country’s sets of beliefs. In Vietnam, for example, the ceremony of funerals is often perpetuated with ongoing depraved customs such as gambling and drinking. Since the arrival of TV shows from more developed nations, which triggers a new and civilized way of thinking, such practices have been gradually aborted.

On the other hand, it appears to me that producing local movies and TV programs has the same importance. Citizens of a country would be able to acquire knowledge about their own culture. Apparently, profound insights into traditional values can be vividly conveyed in cinemas and in the media if the content is made by local people. The second point is that this way can relieve the worry of cultural assimilation which has emerged as a detriment to the existence of a country’s traditional beliefs and customs. In fact, if exotic practices are absorbed thoughtlessly, it might lead to the oblivion of the long-standing ethics.

In conclusion, I would argue that both types of films and TV telecasts play an equal role in a country’s culture.

Word count: 289

In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters, and writers.
What can art tell us about life that science and technology cannot?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

In this modern era of continual scientific and technological advancement, artists are still gaining a lot of respect from people the world over. There are a number of things about life that the arts can teach us that science and technology fail to.

Many forms of art, especially literature, can deliver messages about the appreciation of what we have in life as well as life itself. Hundreds of literary works depict misery, misfortune and sorrow that still exist in life today, and this sends a strong message to those who do not appreciate their lives. “The Goldfinch”, for example, which narrates a story about the miserable life of the main character after the unfortunate death of his mother makes us wonder whether we have become heartless toward our own loved ones. I doubt that there are any technologies in the world that could manage to convey such a powerful message.

Arts teach us to cherish the beauty of culture and are the fuel for our spiritual lives. This is extremely important in a world where science and technology seem to fade our belief in the gravity of culture in daily life. The connection between art and culture is boundless, and traditional music and ancient paintings can remind us of where we came from and who we are. That is to say, our cultural identity is preserved in various forms of art.

Although science and technology advance our understanding of all things and better our lives, arts can touch us to a much deeper extent, help us value what we have, and remind us of the significance of our culture. (269 words)


  • Continual scientific and technological advancement
  • To gain a lot of respect from somebody
  • To deliver messages about the appreciation of something
  • To cherish the beauty of culture
  • The fuel for our spiritual lives
  • The gravity of culture in daily life

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answers Essay:

Media and Advertising

Some people point out that there will be less international travel in the future.
Do you think it is a positive or negative trend?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

It is said that there would be less cross-country travel in the near future possibly due to the reason that the turmoil happens on sectors of the planet, and thus the visa policy is about to become much stricter. Plus, the constantly rising fuel price gives rise to an unaffordable travel budget. Though the trend can be a little true, I still hope it would not happen.

Cutting down non-essential travelling flights can definitely save the planet immeasurable barrels of crude oil, which shows human’s care and love for nature. Environmentally friendly mindsets are no doubt very welcome in today’s world which is characterised by all kinds of crisis – including the energy one. Additionally, safety problems caused by travel-related crime are never concerned if international travel is no longer the choice for a holiday plan.

The above scenario seems quite pleasant. However, for that, a lot of fun is sacrificed. Watching ‘Travel Log’ on the travel channel can hardly offer people something special about where the history happened, or the real thrilling taste on the tongue from the local dishes. How can viewing planimetric scenes on the mass media compete with standing on Catherine the Great’s doorstep at St. Petersburg’s Winter Palace or walking all along the Great Wall in China? People learn the beauty of the world by experiencing them, don’t they? What is more, reducing international travel would adversely influence regions and countries where tourism is the backbone industry. This revenue decrease could have led to another inning of the economic crisis in countries like Malaysia or Thailand, and inevitably, the economy would be hindered on a global basis in today’s globalised world.

All in all, cross-boundary travel is a fairly important part of human life as well as a crucial contributor to the world’s economy. We had better not spoil the ship for a half-penny-worth of tar. (305 words)

The tendency of news reports in the media to focus more on problems and emergencies than on positive developments is harmful to individuals and society as a whole.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

It is believed by some that mainstream media channels focus most of their attention on the problems and urgent issues in society, rather than on positive news, and this trend is harmful to people. I partly agree with this Idea because such a  tendency involves both positive and negative impacts.

On the one hand, a higher frequency of news stories focusing on negative aspects of society is not a good thing and can have detrimental effects on people’s mental state. For example, news about terrorism and war has become so common in the media that some people may hesitate to travel abroad in fear of suffering from a terrorist attack. Secondly, it can also lead people to have a misunderstanding about many aspects within society, which should be given greater respect and recognition. For example, many tabloids, such as Dispatch of Korea or 14Channel of Vietnam, have always reported on the scandals of celebrities, which can mislead the public into believing in the flaws of showbiz, whereas in reality, it is an industry where many people have made many great contributions to society.

On the other hand, the focus on negative issues rather than positive developments is legitimate to some extent. Firstly, the media can be seen as an effective way to spread news, to even the most remote places, and this can help to bring people together in order to solve serious problems. The more people that are informed about issues, the sooner they can be solved. Secondly, it can help to raise awareness amongst citizens. The more negative stories appear in the media, the higher chance that people will become aware of it and take action towards a solution. For instance, news coverage about cancer has now become a common topic in the media, and as a result, a large number of people have switched to a healthier lifestyle.

In conclusion, the media has good reason to report on all issues, although the accompanying negative impacts need to be considered.

(331 words)


  • mainstream media channels (n)
  • A higher frequency of news stories
  • To hesitate to do something
  • In fear of suffering from a terrorist attack
  • Tabloids (n)
  • the scandals of celebrities (n)
  • made many great contributions to society
  • bring people together

The media should include more stories that report good news.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

A large number of media channels these days are too focused on negative news, probably to increase viewership. However, many people often say that they prefer more good news being covered in the media. I personally agree with this Idea and will explain my reasoning in my essay below.

Bad news dominating the headlines is having an undesirable influence on society. Psychologically, this type of news, unless managed properly, may keep readers in a state of stress and lead them to experience trauma. Stories about ISIS slaughtering innocent citizens for example caused massive damage to people’s mental states and instilled fear into their minds. Also, frequent exposure to negative news can distort readers’ perception of reality  In Vietnam for example, it seems that members of the media do not focus on keeping the public informed of current events anymore, both locally and globally. Instead, they are trying to publish articles with the primary aim of attracting more viewers and therefore increasing profits. This, unfortunately, shapes readers’ outlook on society in a negative way.

On the other hand, including good news in the media may have positive effects on the general public. It helps restore our faith in humanity, which inspires moral courses of action to uphold ethical social values. Media stories of good news, as opposed to bad news, can also have a positive psychological implication. Such stories can uplift people to become more optimistic and generally improve both physical and mental health.

In conclusion, I believe recounting more stories of good news can positively affect the moral behaviour of a group of people and therefore should receive more attention. Although negative news still has an important place in our life, its severity should be realized so that readers can fully reap all the benefits that the media has to offer. (301 words)


  • Bad news dominating the headlines
  • Instilled fear into their minds
  • Frequent exposure to negative news
  • Distort readers’ perception of reality
  • Shapes readers’ outlook on society
  • Restore our faith in humanity
  • Inspires moral courses of action
  • Uphold ethical social values

Although more and more people read the news on the Internet, the newspaper will remain the most important source of news for the majority of people.
Do you agree or disagree with that statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

Some people believe that despite the widespread popularity of online media, the traditional newspaper will still hold the most vital position among newsreaders. In my opinion, this idea is rather absurd as the Internet has become increasingly dominant due to the benefits it offers.

The first thing that attracts people to reading news on online sources is their easy access. With the presence of the Internet around almost every corner of the world, people with a portable device such as mobile phone can access huge storage of news. In fact, the latest events, for example, IS Terrorist attacks, would be updated immediately on CNN or New York Times. By contrast, with prolonging procedures including editing and printing, a traditional newspaper might not be able to compete with the Internet in terms of the updating speed.

Another benefit with which the Internet can, from my point of view, take over the position of the printed newspaper is the new experience it brings to readers. One limitation of the newspaper is that it cannot convey visual messages to the people who read news on a regular basis. Meanwhile, the non-stop progress of the technology industry has unfolded the possibility to upload videos and voice records on various online websites. For instance, soccer fans these days can re-watch their favourite matches anytime they want with only a laptop connected to the Internet, which a mere paper cannot do.

In conclusion, I disagree that printed newspaper would continue to be the most crucial source of information because more and more people will be drawn to use the Internet.

Word count: 262

It is believed that people who read for pleasure can develop better imagination and language skills than people who prefer to watch TV.
To what extend do you agree or disagree with this argument?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

I agree that reading is thought-provoking and can expand one’s imagination. Furthermore, reading has the great potential to develop one’s language skills in a more subliminal and in-depth way than watching TV.

By reading, we form a mental picture of what the author narrates and depicts. Through the use of words, the author is creating pictures and images of the scenes within the book in our mind. Though we may have finished reading a novel like God Father, we can often ‘see’ certain scenes again with a ‘rerun’ in our mind. Another example is our reading mind may also go along with the multiple reports and stories in a daily newspaper, which helps lift our horizon, develop our cultural enlightenment and enrich our language abilities.

The ability to use language is actually a cumulative build-up from reading. An author should have a large pool of language skills before a volume or an article could be written. By the same token, we read to interpret, understand or even enjoy either for pleasure or for knowledge. In the course of reading, we are willingly or unwillingly influenced and will turn to use what we have read.

In comparison, TV focuses mainly on visual impact and offers audiences instant gratification. The imagery created is external from our mind and is created by the director and depends on the footage taken, though it could be said that this footage is, in itself, a realisation of the imagination of the director!

From the contrast between reading and watching TV, I think that reading can make a person perfect. The end resulting from reading is long-term whereas that from TV may be temporary and not as significant in potential as reading.

Nowadays, a lot of media, including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and even the Internet, are publishing stories of people’s private lives. This practice be banned?
Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

With the increasing competition among a medley of different media, newspapers, magazines, and even the Internet are putting out stories of people’s private lives to gain the attention of the public. Yet, this way of boosting sales is hard for me to accept.

Therefore, it is my strong recommendation for the government to ban such practice, which is against moral principles. Seemingly, this problem is not serious enough to be prohibited by the government. However, to expose one’s privacy is an insult to his or her dignity. Indeed, in society, everyone, whether a celebrity or an ordinary person, is allowed to enjoy the right of privacy without any infringement. Meanwhile, no one expects that his or her private storey gets published and becomes the laughing stock shared by all.

It is true that man is born to be on tiptoe for privacy with curiosity. Nevertheless, it is by no means a sufficient reason to allow the practice of making public people’s privacy. As a consequence, it would encourage immoral conduct of nosing into others’ privacy. Indeed, some teenagers who have read the information describing the affairs of a movie star could be under the wrong impression about love.

As far as the public is concerned, some private stories give a misleading example of love and marriage. In fact, some newspapers and magazines are teeming with the photos and articles detailing the new girlfriends or boyfriends of celebrities, which contributes to the disturbing mindset that marriage is no longer as important and sacred as before.

In view of the above undesirable impacts, it is reasonable to assume that the practice of printing privacy is detrimental to our social ethics. It is my earnest request to our government that such practice should be forbidden in the form of law. Furthermore, it is the obligation of all citizens to respect and value other people’s privacy. (314 words)

The high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which the goods are sold.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

In advanced industrial countries as well as in many less developed ones, new consumer products are emerging at an alarming rate to meet the increasingly diverse needs of people from all walks of life. And it seems that this trend of consumerism is fueled by widespread advertising in modern societies. In my opinion, both factors are critical to the soaring sales of consumer goods.

On the one hand, with the fast pace of modernization, people’s physical and spiritual needs are greatly diversified and carefully categorized, which can be witnessed by mushrooming supermarkets, department stores, and shopping malls. From kitchenware to gardening implements, from office consumables to household confections, those places exist to provide a splendid array of modern commodities, catering to every particular taste of humans. No wonder that many housewives are so thrilled at the thought of another shopping spree! Moreover, many new businesses have sprouted up in recent decades. For example, the pedicure industry is thriving in Southeast Asia as an effective channel to relieve the stresses and strains of modern life.

On the other hand, the mighty power of advertising is also a contributing factor. Inundated by a succession of seductive images and attractive prices, most consumers find it hard to resist the allure of possessing the advertised products. Following the principle of “3B” (baby, beauty, and beast), many advertisers use newborn infants, gorgeous females, and domestic animals to stimulate purchasing impulses in the audience their potential customers through those icons are irrelevant to their products. For instance, although car manufacturers and real estate developers have been criticized for using shapely models in their advertisements, the climbing sales of cars and properties give evidence of their great success, at least in commercial terms.

In conclusion, in the analysis of excessive consumption, it is obvious that people’s real needs and the magnetism of advertising are the two most powerful forces at work. In fact, it is often difficult to distinguish between them because a really fascinating advertisement can actually create new needs in the viewers, who feel compelled to go on a shopping tour! (347 words)

It is said that the amount of violence on TV programmes has a negative effect on our social development and therefore should be reduced.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

Television is a powerful tool of communication. It may bring us laughter and joy, but may also incite hatred or violence, leading us towards deviant behaviours and crimes. A responsible government should protect the general public by strictly regulating any inappropriate programmes on TV.

Over recent years, there has been an increasing amount of media violence. TV series portrays serial killers, gun battles and brutal fighting. News and documentaries illustrate every detail of a startling crime in the name of crime investigation. TV viewers today are so used to violence that they never think it disturbing but find it fun to watch.

Young people and children are the greatest victims of this surge in media violence. Not yet able to distinguish between right and wrong, they often imitate the violence they observe on TV and accept it as the normal way to behave towards others. It is reported that many juvenile crimes are the direct result of viewing aggressive behaviours on TV.

Opponents of strict media control often point out that some of the violence shown on TV is the true portrayal of what is happening around us and people have the right to know it. Although this is undoubtedly true, it also means that people who see them a lot may gradually develop a sense of insecurity and mistrust as they are forced to believe they are living in a dangerous world.

Psychological and sociological studies have concluded that violence on the screen is contributing to the increased crime rate in our world. The government should combat the threat of media violence to the general public. (266 words)

Some people think movies should only be for entertainment. Others think that they should also have educational values.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Model Essay

While some people consider films simply a source of entertainment, others suggest that films should be educational. Personally, I believe that films can be either, or both, entertaining and educational; however, it is up to each individual to choose what films they like to watch and for what reasons they watch them.

These days, films and TV are extremely popular forms of entertainment. Almost every household owns one or more televisions, and almost everybody loves to watch a certain television program or type of film. After a long day at work or school, many people simply want to come home and sit in front of the TV to relax and be entertained. They may not have the energy or enthusiasm to sit and learn about something. Furthermore, films and television programs are a part of the entertainment industry. The purpose of this industry is for entertainment, and it is a multibillion-dollar industry that creates jobs and generates a lot of money in many countries.

On the other hand, films and TV programs can have very strong effects on the minds of audiences and therefore people should be careful about how the content of the films that they watch affect them and their families. For example, many people’s morals and values are shaped by what they watch on TV and in films. In addition, children can learn about right and wrong through the cartoons they watch, while adults can also learn many important lessons through watching films. For instance, watching a film about war may cause people to have a strong sense of patriotism for their country which could be seen as a positive educational effect.

In conclusion, while educational films, such as documentaries, can also be entertaining, and some films for entertainment can also have many educational aspects, I believe it is not necessary that all films need to be educational.

(315 words)


  •  A source of entertainment = a form of entertainment
  • A part of the entertainment industry
  • A multibillion-dollar industry
  • To generate a lot of money
  • Morals and values are shaped by what they watch
  • To have a strong sense of patriotism

نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس آکادمیک تسک 2 – نکته امتحان

در حالی که گرامر یک پای مهم رایتینگ است، لغات و کلمات پای دوم نوشته شما را تشکیل می‌دهد. اما نکته اصلی اینجاست که انگلیسی ساده و صحیح بهتر از نوشتن جملات پیچیده و اشتباه برداشتن آن است! اگر معلم کار بلدی داشته باشید، ممکن است لغات ناآشنا را قبل از امتحان تمرین و یاد بگیرید، اما نه در طول آزمون! کلمات و عبارات خاصی وجود دارد که می‌توانید با احتیاط در رایتینگ‌های خودتان استفاده کنید. در نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس آکادمیک تسک 2 جملات پیچیده آمده است. با کمی تکرار و تمرین می‌توانید، از الگوها و قواعد بالا استفاده کنید و در رایتینگ‌های خودتان بنویسید. اطمینان حاصل کنید که واژگان کافی برای هر یک از دسته های Media, Advertising, Languages, Cultures را داشته باشید:

Evaluation (e.g. benefit, unsatisfactory)
Consequence, cause, reason (e.g. outcome, produce, explanation)
modifiers (e.g. significant, majority)
connectors (under these circumstances, moreover)
grouping nouns (aspect, factor, feature)

بهترین راه برای یادگیری این موارد این است که در هنگام خواندن خود به دنبال مثال بگردید و سپس آنها را در دفترچه یاداشت شخصی خود کپی کنید. مراقب باشید کل عبارات را کپی کنید، شما باید استفاده صحیح از عبارات را بیاموزید.