- benefit
- blind
- broaden
- burgeon
- conspicuously
- deficient
- eloquent
- endorse
- enormous
- entirely
- erode
- evaporate
- noteworthy
- recover
- reportedly
- shift
- susceptible
Benefit | فایده رساندن |
Blind | کور |
Broaden | گسترده کردن |
Burgeon | رشد با سرعت |
Conspicuously | به وضوح |
Deficient | دارای کمبود |
Eloquent | شیوا، سخنور |
Endorse | تایید |
Enormous | عظیم |
Entirely | کاملاً |
Erode | فرسایش |
Evaporate | تبخیر شدن |
Noteworthy | قابل توجه |
Recover | بازیابی |
Reportedly | گزارش شده |
Shift | تغییر |
Susceptible | مستعد، حساس |
- benefit
- adv. beneficially
- adj. beneficial
- n. benefit
- n. beneficiary
- v. to be useful or helpful
- syn. assist
Use of solar power will benefit all mankind.
It is extremely beneficial to prepare for a test.
- blind
- adv. blindly
- n. blindness
- unable to see or understand; to conceal; showing poor judgment or understanding of something
- syn. unaware
They were blind to the fact that they had little chance to succeed.
He went into the job blindly, with no previous experience.
- broaden
- adj. broad
- n. breadth
- adv. broadly
- v. to make larger or greater
- syn. enlarge
Education will broaden your opportunities to land a good job.
The breadth of his knowledge is impressive.
- burgeon
- adj. burgeoning
- v. growing at a fast pace
- syn. thrive
The burgeoning population of major cities is creating a demand for more services.
His talent as a pianist burgeoned at the age of 14.
- conspicuously
- adj. conspicuous
- adv. attracting attention
- syn. noticeably
His name was conspicuously absent from the list of winners.
The attorneys were conspicuous for their aggressive manner in the courtroom.
- deficient
- adv. deficiently
- n. deficiency
- adj. not having enough of something
- syn. lacking
A diet deficient in calcium can lead to bad health.
There is a deficiency of qualified engineers in the country.
- eloquent
- adv. eloquently
- n. eloquence
- adj. expressing clearly, effectively, and convincingly
- syn. articulate
Successful politicians are usually eloquent speakers.
That student’s essay is eloquently written.
- endorse
- n. endorsement
- v. to express approval
- syn. support
The union endorsed the new contract.
The president’s endorsement of the project guaranteed its funding.
- enormous
- adv. enormously
- n. enormity
- adj. very large
- syn. tremendous
His enormous wealth allows him to contribute to many charities.
A diet with many fruits and vegetables is enormously beneficial to the body.
- entirely
- adv. entire
- n. entirety
- adv. completely
- syn. thoroughly
The economist was entirely right in his analysis.
The president released the speech in its entirety before the news conference.
- erode
- n. erosion
- v. to wear away; disappear slowly
- syn. deteriorate
The senator’s support is eroding because of his unpopular positions on the major issues.
It took Trillions of years of erosion for nature to form the Grand Canyon.
- evaporate
- n. evaporation
- v. to vanish
- syn. disappear
The chances of the two sides reaching an agreement have evaporated.
The evaporation of the funds was unexplainable.
- noteworthy
- n. noteworthiness
- adj. deserving positive recognition or attention
- syn. remarkable
The university has a noteworthy collection of ancient texts.
There was a noteworthy increase in the amount of money the school raised.
- recover
- adj. recovered
- adj. recoverable
- n. recovery
- v. to get back; to have something returned
- syn. retrieve
The NASA team was unable to recover the space capsule.
The recovered objects had not been damaged.
- reportedly
- adj. reported
- v. report
- n. report
- adv. to know by the report; unconfirmed; supposedly
- syn. rumoured
The students reportedly sent a representative, but she has not yet arrived.
The reported tornado has not been confirmed.
- shift
- adj. shifting
- v. shift
- adj. shifty
- n. a change in position or direction
- syn. switch
The shift in the wind was helpful to the sailors.
Earthquakes are caused by shifting layers of earth along faults.
- susceptible
- n. susceptibleness
- adj. susceptibly
- adj. to be subject to influence; capable of being affected by a person or thing
- syn. vulnerable
When travelling in tropical climates, travellers are susceptible to malaria.
Adolescents are especially susceptible to the influence of their friends.
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